At Nara, you will find a selection of the most beautiful seasonal flowers that our teams work with care and passion to offer you bouquets and arrangements that reflect the image of the shop.
Nara’s unique identity does not stop with flowers; the store also stocks a wide collection of vases, in different shapes and material. Accessories, candles and decorative objects are also part of NARA’s collection.
Our Emotions…

Passion is what drives NARA’s talented staff. Not only does passion act as an everyday motivation, but it also pushes the team’s imagination and never-ending desire to search for unique ways to create emotions. This is NARA’s unique identity. Bouquets, flower arrangements, event organization and everything you could dream of will be realized by Carine and her team.

Nara selects for you the best plants large or small, indoor or outdoor – based on the seasons and trends.

NARA offers a broad range of decorative articles adapted to your personal areas or simply for the pleasure of offering.

light ambience
NARA has a unique collection of light fixtures which bring a touch of exclusivity into your home.

NIWA terrariums are unique compositions of plants created by hand that will bring nature into your interiors.

NARA is the exclusive distributor and installer of UMBROSA, a Belgian brand focusing on shade sails. Our team will make it a priority to help you the best configuration for your outdoor space. To make it even easier, our experienced team can install it for you.

We have selected a very limited and exclusive range of outdoor furniture for you to enjoy your garden even more.

In a quest for uniqueness and discovery, NARA offers the chance for you to discover the work of our local artisans.

To offer or to please yourself, NARA has selected the most beautiful brands of Belgian candles to create warm atmospheres. We offer you the brands JODY LO, PECHAVY, BOIS ELOI et BAHIA MALA.

For beautiful outdoor atmospheres, NARA offers a selection of elegant braziers, with or without support and in many sizes.
Nous sommes ouverts tout l’été, avec plein de jolies fleurs pour votre et notre plus grand Bonheur @NaraLasne & @NaraRhode 🌸💕 ...
We will be open this Sunday 14/05 @NaraLasne and @NaraRhode to celebrate your Mothers from 8am to 6pm 🌸♥️ ...
J-7 la fête des Mamans ♥️
N’oubliez pas de commander votre bouquet!
Via les réseaux sociaux, par e-mail, ou simplement nous appeler 🌸
D-7 Moederdag ♥️
Vergeet niet uw boeket te bestellen!
Via sociale netwerken, per e-mail, of bel ons gewoon 🌸
D-7 Mother's Day ♥️
Don't forget to order your bouquet!
Via social networks, by e-mail, or simply call us 🌸
#lasne#bruxelles#belgium#belgique#picsoftheday#flower#fleur#flowershop#flowerstalking#flowerlover#flowerlovers#instagood#belgianblogger#blogueusebelge#bouquet#weddingflower#love#giftidea#madeinbelgium#May#Spring#conceptstore#naraconceptstrore#mothersday#fetedesmeres ...
Le muguet, la Pureté, l’Amour, la Chance, la Joie, un pur Bonheur… ♥️
Nara Lasne et Nara Rhode seront ouverts ce dimanche 30 avril comme tous les dimanches de 10h à 14h et ce lundi 1er Mai de 9h à 16h. 🌷
Meiklokjes, Puurheid, Liefde, Vreugde, gelukzaligheid... ❤️
Nara Lasne en Nara Rode zullen beiden open zijn deze zondag 30 april, zoals iedere zondag van 10h tot 14h, en volgende maandag 1 mei vanaf 9h tot 16h. 🌷
Lily of the valley, Purity, Love, Luck, Joy, pure Happiness... ♥️
Nara Lasne and Nara Rhode will be open this Sunday 30th of April as every Sunday from 10am to 2pm and this Monday 1st of May from 9am to 4pm. 🌷 ...
Marie-France taking care 🪴🌸
Smells like spring ☀️
#lasne#bruxelles#belgium#belgique#picsoftheday#flower#fleur#flowershop#flowerstalking#flowerlover#flowerlovers#instagood#belgianblogger#blogueusebelge#bouquet#weddingflower#love#giftidea#madeinbelgium#March#Spring#conceptstore#naraconceptstrore#plant#outdoor ...
Contact - LASNE
Monday to Saturday : 10am – 7pm
Sunday : 10am – 2pm
423 Chaussée de Louvain,
1380 Lasne
TVA: BE0865200309
Contact - RHODE
Monday to Saturday : 10am – 7pm
Sunday : 10am – 2pm
56 Avenue de la Forêt de Soignes,
1640 Rhode-Saint-Genèse
TVA: BE0865200309
423 Chaussée de Louvain, 1380 Lasne
423 Chaussée de Louvain, 1380 Lasne